Inspiring Believing Achieving 

Active Travel School Project 

Mullavilly Primary School was chosen in 2014 as one of 12 schools in the EA Southern Region to receive a place in the Active School's Travel Programme. This is a long term committment from the school and SUSTRANS to increase sustainable travel to school by cycling, walking, scooting and combo journeys. 
Watch out for the ECO Committee Active Travel Team doing spot checks on walkers, cyclists and scooters one morning each week. 
In 2014-15 we achieved our Bronze Award 
In 2016-17 we achieved our Silver Award 
In 2024-25 we will continue working towards our Gold Award 

Active Travel Dates For Your Diary 

Big Walk and Wheel 
Bling Your Bike Day 
27th September 2024 
Bike To School Week 
23rd - 27th September 2023 
Walk To School Week 
20th - 24th May 2025 

Bling Your Bike Day 2024 

Bling Your Bike Day 2023 

Bling Your Bike Day 2022 

Bling Your Bike Day 2021 

Bike To School Week 2021 
A big thank you and well done for everyones efforts so far!! 
Keep going!  

Bling Your Bike Day 2019 

The Big Pedal 2019 

Results so far: 
Day 1: 77.94% 5th in Northern Ireland and 52nd in UK 
Day 2: 85.66% 3rd in Northern ireland and 15th in UK 
Day 3: 87.5% 5th in Northern Ireland and 17th in UK 
Day 4: 88.6% 5th in Northern Ireland and 14th in UK 
Day 5: 87.5% 6th in Northern Ireland and 20th in UK 
Day 6: 87.5% 6th in Northern Ireland and 29th in UK 
Day 7: 87.79% 6th in northern Ireland and 30th in UK 
Day 8: 88.92% 6th in Northern Ireland and 29th in UK 
Day 9: 88.82% 6th in Northern Ireland and 33rd in UK 

Bling Your Bike Day 2018 

The Big Pedal 2018 

Check back over the next 2 weeks for more new photos: 
Results so far: 
Day 1: 60.85% 4th in Northern Ireland and 6th in UK 
Day 2: 71% 4th in Northern Ireland and 8th in UK 
Day 3: 73.61% 4th in Northern Ireland and 9th in UK 
Day 4: 75% 4th in Northern Ireland and 8th in UK 
Day 5: 75% 4th in Northern Ireland and 13th in UK 
Day 6: 76.11% 4th in Northern Ireland and 13th in UK 
Day 7: 76.39% 5th in Northern Ireland and 14th in UK 
Day 8: 77.78% 5th in Northern Ireland and 15th in UK 
Day 9: 77.56% 5th in Northern Ireland and 18th in UK 
Day 10: 77 .08% 7th in Northern Ireland and 21st in UK 
A Fantastic effort yet again - well done everyone! 

Ditch The Dark Day 2017 

A big congratulations to everyone for their efforts this week in travelling actively to school by bike, scooter or on foot. Today we had our annual Ditch The Dark Day and we were very impressed by the effort put in to enhance our visibility when out on our bikes, scooters or walking. We chose a winner from each class which was a very tough decision with how amazing everyone looked. Remember we have started working towards our Gold award so all the effort this week is much appreciated and helps us on our way. 
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