Attendance 2024/25
At Mullavilly Primary School we have very high standards and take great pride in seeing our children achieve their full potential. In order for us to continue to achieve our goals we need our pupils to have a pattern of good attendance throughout their school career.
Regular school attendance is crucial in raising standards in education and ensuring that every child can have full access to the school curriculum and reach their full potential. All children of compulsory school age have the right to an efficient full-time education, regardless of age, aptitude, ability and any special needs he or she may have.
Mullavilly Primary School will strive to promote an ethos and culture which encourages good attendance and where each pupil will feel valued and secure. It takes seriously its responsibility to monitor and promote the regular attendance of all its pupils. It acknowledges that irregular attendance seriously disrupts continuity of learning, undermines educational progress, can lead to underachievement and low attainment and impedes the child’s ability to develop friendship groups within school.
The following types of absence will be classified as unauthorized:
Staying at home with an ill parent/ sibling
A shopping trip with a parent
Term time holiday
Target Whole School Attendance for 2024/25 95.5%
September Class Average Attendance Results
Primary 1 - Primary 5/6 -
Primary 2/3 - Primary 6/7 -
Primary 3/4 -
Winning Class -
Previous Winning Classes
September -
Strategies used to promote good attendance
Class teacher will ensure that the curriculum is delivered within a culture of inclusion and in such a way that pupils feel that they have and can succeed.
Individual pupils whose attendance has been a cause for concern will be encouraged to set and achieve personal attendance goals.
Pupil attendance figures will be published with the annual academic reports alongside School Attendance Matters: A Parents Guide.
Figures of the overall attendance of the school will be published annually in the Board of Governors’ Report.
Certificates are presented at the end of each half term for those pupils who achieve 100% attendance. At Final Assembly certificates are presented to those pupils who achieve full attendance for the whole academic year.
An overall Target attendance will be set at the start of each academic year for the overall attendance of the whole school.
Each class will aim to meet this target and at the end of each month in assembly the class with the highest average attendance will receive a reward. E.g. trip to park, fun afternoon, night of homework.
Availability of Breakfast Club from 8.00 – 8.50am every morning.
Roles and Responsibilities of Parents
To keep requests for their child to be absent to a minimum.
To inform the school of the reason for a pupil’s absence on the first day of absence. This should be confirmed with a written note when the pupil returns to school.
To ensure that their child arrives at school on time, properly dressed, with the right equipment and in a condition to learn.
To take family holidays during school holiday periods and be aware that requests for holidays during term time will be refused except in special/exceptional circumstances.
To be aware of curriculum requirements and be especially vigilant with regards to attendance during important academic times such as assessment periods.
To support their child and recognise their successes and achievements.
If your child appears reluctant to attend school please discuss the matter promptly with the class teacher or principal to ensure that both you and your child receive maximum support.